Creative Edge Consultants

And Don’t Call Me Shirley


Top Posts of the Week

What We Learned

Monday: The Carney team had the day off to enjoy some fireworks and summertime for 4th of July!

Tuesday: The 2022 Spotify Culture Next Report reveals all the data and trends around Zs and Millenials so marketers can have a better idea about channel behaviors and personas. And it’s beautiful to look at!

Wednesday: Off-site SEO is great for brand awareness outside of your own website or SEM. Search Engine Land gave tips on how to leverage reviews for SEO wins.

Thursday: Algorithms are constantly changing and sometimes a little mysterious. While you should always aim to make high-quality content, Bsquared gave some tips for each social media algorithm.

Join the Conversation

Miriam posted, “Heads up! Disneyland Instagram account was hacked this morning 😬 Whoever hacked it is posting horrible racial slurs. I’ll be curious how they address it.” (Update)

Bren shared, “Never miss me with a pun”

Camilo asked, “Etiquette question: if I give my contact information to someone at a networking event, am I giving them permission to be added to their marketing emails?”

Danielle wrote, “What is a great SMS service for a very small business that wants to send a thank you message after service is complete and add a link for reviews?”

Dirty Shirley 🍒


  • 1 oz Grenadine or Maraschino cherry juice
  • 2 oz vodka
  • 1 can of lemon-lime soda or ginger ale*


  1. Fill a glass with ice.
  2. Pour the juice, vodka, and top it off with soda.
  3. Give it a slight stir and garnish with a cherry.


*There’s a lot of debate of which one is proper. Shirley isn’t one for following the rules. Do what you want.

Recipe by @join_jules

What Inspires You?

Logos, websites, layouts, branding, maybe even a random social post.

Inspiration can be found all over the place and sometimes you just need to right team to turn inspo into reality. Carney is a dynamic digital agency, meaning we have a team of damn near magical designers that can bring life to projects.

Come say hi and share your latest inspirations with us!

Do you know where LEGO got its name?


c. It’s inspired by the Danish phrase “leg godt”

The name is derived from an abbreviation of the Danish words “leg godt,” which means “play well.”


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