Creative Edge Consultants

Concierge – Personal Assistant Service Gigs

A concierge’s main job duty is to fulfill a request placed by a client, visitor, guest, or tenant. Corporate concierges are a specialized type of concierge. They serve clients’ personal and business-related needs. Job duties include helping clients with their work responsibilities, extracurricular social activities, and personal errands. Corporate concierges help their corporate clients manage time more efficiently by taking on some of their personal and private work.

Some duties that a corporate concierge might perform are to arrange for car service, make dinner reservations, and obtain tickets for events that their employer might take an out-of-town client to. Corporate concierges might be responsible for planning a client’s child’s birthday party. They might also have to shop for a birthday or anniversary gift for the client’s spouse.

Other business-related duties may be more traditional. A corporate concierge might have to reserve hotels and conference rooms, procure audiovisual equipment, hire a temporary employee, arrange for translators, lease a PC, or hire a computer repairman.

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